Automatic Door Handle or Knob Sanitizer


  • Sundram Singh Chitkara University Institute of Engineering & Technology, Chitkara University, Punjab-140401, India
  • Aditya Garg Chitkara University Institute of Engineering & Technology, Chitkara University, Punjab-140401, India



COVID-19, Automatic sanitizer, Door knob sanitizer, Arduino-nano, IR sensor


An increase in the risk of COVID-19 spread led people, industries and the government to adopt various approaches for controlling the transmission rate of COVID-19 viruses. Although each approach has its advantages, but in terms of cost-effectiveness and flexibility, one approach i.e. Arduino based sanitizing systems have played an important role to prevent the coronavirus from spreading. In the direction of this research field, a lot of researchers have exerted great efforts to control the COVID-19 outbreak. However, an automatic door handle and knob sanitizer based on IR sensor and servo motor has not been reported till date as per our knowledge. Therefore, In this paper, we have demonstrated an automatic door handle sanitizer to sanitize the handle or knob of a door that is generally used by many people in houses, hospitals, and industries, etc. The reported work has been done to prevent people from getting infected by the coronavirus. If anyone gets infected by touching the contaminated door knob of any institution, house, hospital, etc., then it will have a severe effect on the person as well as on his country. In this regard, the reported system sanitizes the door handle to remove the virus from it as the person touches the door knob. The demonstrated system contains Arduino-Nano, Servo motor, Bread-board and an IR Sensor. It can be implemented in public places such as hospitals, companies where the doors are used frequently to break the chain of COVID-19 infection.


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How to Cite

Singh, S., & Garg, A. (2020). Automatic Door Handle or Knob Sanitizer. Journal on Today’s Ideas - Tomorrow’s Technologies, 8(1), 35–40.


